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Ажыглакчы чугаа:MongeTomsk

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Википедия деп сайттан

Hi there :) I just want to let you know that your help would be appreciated to begin translations in Tuvan for MediaWiki's VisualEditor software, which you are already using. The current progress for the interface is 0%, and VE is already available on tyv.wp. Also, if you feel like you want to walk an extra mile, please check if this language needs further help with the tasks listed at MediaWiki. For example, the User Guide and the Portal are also missing for this language. I know you can change this. You can find direct links to get started, and further information, at the local Village Pump. Thanks, and happy 2014, --Elitre (WMF) (обсуждение) 07:07, 8 Бир айның 2014 (KRAT)